Peer-Reviewed Publications
Submitted or in revision
Webber, QMR, MP Laforge, M Bonar, and E Vander Wal. The adaptive value of density-dependent habitat specialization and social network centrality. Revisions submitted to Nature Communications. MSID: NCOMMS-23-00651-T.
Accepted/In Press
Merkle, JA, M-P Poulin, MR Caldwell, MP Laforge, AE Scholle, TL Verzuh, and C Geremia. Spatial-social familiarity complements the spatial-social interface: evidence from Yellowstone Bison. Accepted for publication at Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. MSID: RSTB-2022-0530.R1.
Dedeban, E, QMR Webber, MP Laforge, AL Robitaille, and E Vander Wal. 2023. Uncertainty on migration: the role of predictable resources in unpredictable conditions in determining movement in Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus). Journal of Mammalogy 104: 1290–1301 (link).
Laforge, MP, QMR Webber, and E Vander Wal. 2023. Plasticity and repeatability in spring migration and parturition dates with implications for annual reproductive success. The Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 1042–1054 (link).
Vander Wal, E, QMR Webber, MP Laforge. Repeatability is the first step in a broader hypothesis test: a comment on Stuber et al. Behavioral Ecology 33: 487-488 (link, Editor reviewed).
Gelzer, ER, MP Laforge, JA Becker, NP Hough, M-P Poulin, M Sandoval Lambert, B Thomas Kuzilik, TL Verzuh, and JA Merkle. Getting Cited Early: Influence of Showcasing, Topic, and Structure on Early Citation Rates. The Journal of Wildlife Management 86: e22214 (link).
Northrup J, E Vander Wal, M Bonar, J Fieberg, MP Laforge, M Leclerc, CM Prokopenko, and BD Gerber. 2022. Conceptual and methodological advances in habitat selection modeling: guidelines for ecology and evolution. Ecological Applications 32: e02470. (link).
Huang, R, QMR Webber, MP Laforge, AL Robitaille, M Bonar, J Balluffi-Fry, S Zabihi-Seissan, and E Vander Wal. 2021. Coyote diet and spatial co-occurrence with caribou. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 391-399 (link).
Newediuk, L, JP Ethier, SP Boyle, JA Aubin, J Balluffi-Fry, E Dedeban, MP Laforge, CM Prokopenko, JW Turner QMR Webber, E Vander Wal. 2021. Sociopolitical factors drive conservation planning timelines: implications for species at risk globally. Biological Conservation 257: 109091 (link).
Laforge, MP, M Bonar and E Vander Wal. 2021. Tracking snowmelt to jump the green wave: Phenological drivers of migration in a northern ungulate. Ecology 102:e3268 (link).
Bonar, M, KP Lewis, M Dobbin, QMR Webber, MP Laforge, E Vander Wal. 2020. Geometry of the ideal free distribution: personality and fitness implications in birthing aggregations of a social ungulate. Ecology Letters 23:1360-1369 (link).
Perry, TA, MP Laforge, E Vander Wal, TW Knight, and PD McLoughlin. 2020. Individual responses to novel predation risk and the emergence of a landscape of fear. Ecosphere 11:e03216 (link).
Webber, QMR*, MP Laforge*, M Bonar, C Hart, AL Robitaille, S Zabihi-Seissan, and E Vander Wal. 2020. The ecology of individual differences empirically applied to space-use and movement tactics. The American Naturalist 196:E1-E15 (link).
*Authors contributed equally,
Peignier, M, QMR Webber, EL Koen, MP Laforge, AL Robitaille, and E Vander Wal. 2019. Space-use and social organization in a gregarious ungulate: testing the conspecific attraction and resource dispersion hypotheses. Ecology and Evolution 9: 5133-5145 (link).
Clark, DA, RK Brook, C Oliphant-Reskanski, MP Laforge, K Olson, D Rivet. 2019. Novel range overlap of three ursids in the Canadian subarctic. Arctic Science 5:62–70 (link).
Laforge, MP, NL Michel, and RK Brook. 2017. Spatio-temporal trends in crop damage inform broad-scale distribution of moose in a novel agro-ecosystem. Scientific Reports 7: 15203 (link).
Michel, NL, MP Laforge, FM van Beest, and RK Brook. 2017. Spatiotemporal trends in Canadian domestic wild boar production predict feral wild pig distribution. Landscape and Urban Planning 165:30–38 (link).
Laforge, MP, DA Clark, AL Schmidt, JL Lankshear, S Kowalchuk, and RK Brook. 2017. Temporal aspects of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) occurrences at field camps in Wapusk National Park, Canada. Polar Biology 40:1661–1670 (link).
Bonar M*, MP Laforge*, and E Vander Wal. 2017. Observation of a p < 10^−9 life history event: implications of record-late caribou birth on ungulate reproductive ecology and field studies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 133-137 (link). *Authors contributed equally
Laforge MP, NL Michel, AL Wheeler, and RK Brook. 2016. Habitat Selection by Female Moose in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone. Journal of Wildlife Management 80: 1059-1068 (link).
Laforge MP, RK Brook, FM van Beest, EM Bayne, and PD McLoughlin. 2016. Grain-dependent Functional Responses in Habitat Selection. Landscape Ecology 31:855-863 (link).
Laforge MP, A Uzal, SA Medill, and PD McLoughlin. 2016. Scale-Dependent Effects of Density on Foal Survival in Feral Horses. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:347-354 (link).
Laforge MP, E Vander Wal, RK Brook, EM Bayne, and PD McLoughlin. 2015. Process-focussed, multi-grain resource selection functions. Ecological Modelling 305:10-21 (link).
Vander Wal E, MP Laforge, and PD McLoughlin. 2014. Density dependence in social behaviour: home range overlap and density interacts to affect conspecific encounter rates in a gregarious ungulate. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 68:383-390 (link).
van Beest FM, A Uzal, E Vander Wal, MP Laforge, AL Contasti, D Colville, and PD McLoughlin. 2013. Increasing density leads to generalization in both coarse-grained habitat selection and fine-grained resource selection in a large mammal. Journal of Animal Ecology 83:147-156 (link).
Webber, QMR, MP Laforge, M Bonar, and E Vander Wal. The adaptive value of density-dependent habitat specialization and social network centrality. Revisions submitted to Nature Communications. MSID: NCOMMS-23-00651-T.
Accepted/In Press
Merkle, JA, M-P Poulin, MR Caldwell, MP Laforge, AE Scholle, TL Verzuh, and C Geremia. Spatial-social familiarity complements the spatial-social interface: evidence from Yellowstone Bison. Accepted for publication at Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. MSID: RSTB-2022-0530.R1.
Dedeban, E, QMR Webber, MP Laforge, AL Robitaille, and E Vander Wal. 2023. Uncertainty on migration: the role of predictable resources in unpredictable conditions in determining movement in Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus). Journal of Mammalogy 104: 1290–1301 (link).
Laforge, MP, QMR Webber, and E Vander Wal. 2023. Plasticity and repeatability in spring migration and parturition dates with implications for annual reproductive success. The Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 1042–1054 (link).
Vander Wal, E, QMR Webber, MP Laforge. Repeatability is the first step in a broader hypothesis test: a comment on Stuber et al. Behavioral Ecology 33: 487-488 (link, Editor reviewed).
Gelzer, ER, MP Laforge, JA Becker, NP Hough, M-P Poulin, M Sandoval Lambert, B Thomas Kuzilik, TL Verzuh, and JA Merkle. Getting Cited Early: Influence of Showcasing, Topic, and Structure on Early Citation Rates. The Journal of Wildlife Management 86: e22214 (link).
Northrup J, E Vander Wal, M Bonar, J Fieberg, MP Laforge, M Leclerc, CM Prokopenko, and BD Gerber. 2022. Conceptual and methodological advances in habitat selection modeling: guidelines for ecology and evolution. Ecological Applications 32: e02470. (link).
Huang, R, QMR Webber, MP Laforge, AL Robitaille, M Bonar, J Balluffi-Fry, S Zabihi-Seissan, and E Vander Wal. 2021. Coyote diet and spatial co-occurrence with caribou. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 391-399 (link).
Newediuk, L, JP Ethier, SP Boyle, JA Aubin, J Balluffi-Fry, E Dedeban, MP Laforge, CM Prokopenko, JW Turner QMR Webber, E Vander Wal. 2021. Sociopolitical factors drive conservation planning timelines: implications for species at risk globally. Biological Conservation 257: 109091 (link).
Laforge, MP, M Bonar and E Vander Wal. 2021. Tracking snowmelt to jump the green wave: Phenological drivers of migration in a northern ungulate. Ecology 102:e3268 (link).
Bonar, M, KP Lewis, M Dobbin, QMR Webber, MP Laforge, E Vander Wal. 2020. Geometry of the ideal free distribution: personality and fitness implications in birthing aggregations of a social ungulate. Ecology Letters 23:1360-1369 (link).
Perry, TA, MP Laforge, E Vander Wal, TW Knight, and PD McLoughlin. 2020. Individual responses to novel predation risk and the emergence of a landscape of fear. Ecosphere 11:e03216 (link).
Webber, QMR*, MP Laforge*, M Bonar, C Hart, AL Robitaille, S Zabihi-Seissan, and E Vander Wal. 2020. The ecology of individual differences empirically applied to space-use and movement tactics. The American Naturalist 196:E1-E15 (link).
*Authors contributed equally,
Peignier, M, QMR Webber, EL Koen, MP Laforge, AL Robitaille, and E Vander Wal. 2019. Space-use and social organization in a gregarious ungulate: testing the conspecific attraction and resource dispersion hypotheses. Ecology and Evolution 9: 5133-5145 (link).
Clark, DA, RK Brook, C Oliphant-Reskanski, MP Laforge, K Olson, D Rivet. 2019. Novel range overlap of three ursids in the Canadian subarctic. Arctic Science 5:62–70 (link).
Laforge, MP, NL Michel, and RK Brook. 2017. Spatio-temporal trends in crop damage inform broad-scale distribution of moose in a novel agro-ecosystem. Scientific Reports 7: 15203 (link).
Michel, NL, MP Laforge, FM van Beest, and RK Brook. 2017. Spatiotemporal trends in Canadian domestic wild boar production predict feral wild pig distribution. Landscape and Urban Planning 165:30–38 (link).
Laforge, MP, DA Clark, AL Schmidt, JL Lankshear, S Kowalchuk, and RK Brook. 2017. Temporal aspects of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) occurrences at field camps in Wapusk National Park, Canada. Polar Biology 40:1661–1670 (link).
Bonar M*, MP Laforge*, and E Vander Wal. 2017. Observation of a p < 10^−9 life history event: implications of record-late caribou birth on ungulate reproductive ecology and field studies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 133-137 (link). *Authors contributed equally
Laforge MP, NL Michel, AL Wheeler, and RK Brook. 2016. Habitat Selection by Female Moose in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone. Journal of Wildlife Management 80: 1059-1068 (link).
Laforge MP, RK Brook, FM van Beest, EM Bayne, and PD McLoughlin. 2016. Grain-dependent Functional Responses in Habitat Selection. Landscape Ecology 31:855-863 (link).
Laforge MP, A Uzal, SA Medill, and PD McLoughlin. 2016. Scale-Dependent Effects of Density on Foal Survival in Feral Horses. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:347-354 (link).
Laforge MP, E Vander Wal, RK Brook, EM Bayne, and PD McLoughlin. 2015. Process-focussed, multi-grain resource selection functions. Ecological Modelling 305:10-21 (link).
Vander Wal E, MP Laforge, and PD McLoughlin. 2014. Density dependence in social behaviour: home range overlap and density interacts to affect conspecific encounter rates in a gregarious ungulate. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 68:383-390 (link).
van Beest FM, A Uzal, E Vander Wal, MP Laforge, AL Contasti, D Colville, and PD McLoughlin. 2013. Increasing density leads to generalization in both coarse-grained habitat selection and fine-grained resource selection in a large mammal. Journal of Animal Ecology 83:147-156 (link).
Brook, RK, AL Wheeler, MP Laforge, and NL Michel. 2016. Habitat Selection, Home Range, Movements, and Reproduction of Adult Female Moose in the Agricultural Landscape of Saskatchewan. Final Technical Report for the Saskatchewan Ministry of the Environment, 137 pages.
Laforge, MP, DA Clark, and RK Brook. 2015. Non-invasive monitoring of polar bear visits to field camps in Wapusk National Park. Progress Report to Parks Canada, 31 pages
Laforge, MP, DA Clark, and RK Brook. 2015. Non-invasive monitoring of polar bear visits to field camps in Wapusk National Park. Progress Report to Parks Canada, 31 pages
Conference Presentations
Laforge, MP, JA Merkle. June 2023. Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Migratory Resource Tracking. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution annual conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Laforge, MP, AC Ortega, LR Wilde, MJ Kauffman, JA Merkle. March 2023. Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Migratory Resource Tracking. Oral presentation, Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Laramie, Wyoming.
Laforge, MP, MJ Kauffman, AC Ortega, JA Merkle. November 2022. Scale-Dependence in Resource Tracking during Migration. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Spokane, WA.
Kauffman, MJ, B Lowrey, J Berg, S Bergen, DE Bird, JW Cain III, M Cowardin, M Devivo, M Flenner, J Fort, E Gelzer, E Greenspan, MP Laforge, J McKee, JA Merkle, B Oates, L Olson, C Reddell, R Ritson, H Sawyer, C Schroeder, J Shapiro. November 2022. A Collaborative Effort to Map Ungulate Migrations and Advance Their Conservation Across the Western United States. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Spokane, WA.
Northrup J, E Vander Wal, M Bonar, J Fieberg, MP Laforge, M Leclerc, CM Prokopenko, and BD Gerber. November 2022. Conceptual and methodological advances in habitat selection. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Spokane, WA.
Laforge, MP, E Vander Wal, QMR Webber, C Geremia, MJ Kauffman, A Middleton, KL Monteith, AC Ortega, H Sawyer, and JA Merkle. August 2022. Migration in a changing world: Plasticity and consistent individual differences in migratory behavior of ungulates. Oral presentation, the Ecological Society of America and the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution joint conference, Montreal, QC.
Laforge, MP, E Vander Wal, QMR Webber, C Geremia, MJ Kauffman, A Middleton, KL Monteith, AC Ortega, H Sawyer, and JA Merkle. April 2022. Plasticity and Individual Differences in Spring Migration Timing and Forage Selection in Wyoming Ungulates. Oral presentation, Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Jackson, Wyoming.
Laforge, MP. August 2021. Migration, Parturition, and Forage Selection in a Changing World. Plenary presentation for PhD award at The Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual General Meeting. *Online due to COVID-19.
Laforge, MP, QMR Webber, and E Vander Wal. May 2021. Plasticity and repeatability in spring migration and parturition dates with implications for annual reproductive success. Oral presentation, 18th North American Caribou Workshop. *Online due to COVID-19.
Laforge, MP, E Vander Wal, Matthew J. Kauffman, Kevin L. Monteith, Hall Sawyer, and Jerod A. Merkle. August 2020. Plasticity and consistent individual differences in migratory behavior reveal potential resilience and adaptability to climate change. Poster Presentation, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. *Online due to COVID-19.
Laforge, MP, M Bonar and E Vander Wal. May 2020. How do Caribou Trade-Off Selecting for High-Quality Forage and Avoiding Predators in Dynamic Landscapes? Online iPoster presentation, International Association of Landscape Ecology North America Annual Meeting and Remote Virtual Conference.
Laforge, MP, M Bonar and E Vander Wal. November 2019. Surfing Snow-off: Northern Migratory Ungulates Track Snow Melt to Arrive on Calving Grounds During Optimal Forage Conditions. Oral presentation, Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Sheridan, Wyoming.
Laforge, MP, M Bonar and E Vander Wal. October 2019. Temporally-Dynamic Resource Selection Functions in Forage Selection and Predator Avoidance. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Reno, Nevada.
Laforge, MP and E Vander Wal. August 2019. Green-up or snow-off? Considering phenological drivers of migration. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Laforge, MP and E Vander Wal. April 2019. Green-up or snow-off? Considering phenological drivers of migration. Oral presentation, Biology Graduate Student Symposium, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Laforge, MP, QMR Webber, and E Vander Wal. November 2018. Caribou migration behaviour reveals potential resilience to climate change. Oral presentation, 17thNorth American Caribou Workshop, Ottawa, Ontario.
Webber, QMR, MP Laforge, M Bonar, and E Vander Wal. October 2018.Links between social behaviour and habitat selection in the context of caribou population dynamics in Newfoundland. Oral presentation, Atlantic Society of Fisheries and Wildlife Biologists Annual General Meeting, Corner Brook, Newfoundland.
Laforge, MP, QMR Webber, and E Vander Wal. October 2018. Behavioural plasticity of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) migration in response to variable spring plant phenology. Oral presentation, Atlantic Society of Fisheries and Wildlife Biologists Annual General Meeting, Corner Brook, Newfoundland.
Laforge, MP, Q.M.R. Webber, E. Vander Wal. July 2018. Caribou migration and selection behaviour reveals plasticity in movement in an inter-annually variable environment. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, Guelph, Ontario.
Webber, QMR, MP Laforge, M Bonar, and E Vander Wal. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, Guelph, Ontario.
Bonar, M, E Vander Wal, K Lewis, QMR Webber, MP Laforge. Geometry of the ideal free distribution: personality and fitness implications in social ungulate birthing aggregations. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, Guelph, Ontario.
Laforge, M.P., Q.M.R. Webber, E. Vander Wal. May 2018. Plasticity in Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) Migration Timing in Response to Changing Plant Phenology Results in Greater Selection for High Quality Forage. Oral presentation, Canadian Society of Zoologists Annual Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Webber QMR., M. Peignier, E. Koen, M. Laforge, A. Robitaille, E. Vander Wal. May 2018. Seasonal variation in conspecific attraction and resource dispersion dictate social network structure and space-use in a gregarious ungulate. Oral presentation, Canadian Society of Zoologists Annual Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Laforge, M.P., Q.M.R. Webber, E. Vander Wal. April 2018. Migration timing of caribou reveals plasticity in movement and forage selection in response to environmental change. Oral presentation, Memorial University Biology Graduate Student Symposium, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Webber QMR., M. Peignier, E. Koen, M. Laforge, A. Robitaille, E. Vander Wal. April 2018. Space-use and social organization in a gregarious ungulate: testing the conspecific attraction and resource dispersion hypotheses. Oral presentation Memorial University Biology Graduate Student Symposium, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Laforge, MP, AL Robitaille and E Vander Wal. November 2017. Multigrain resource selection functions: R package for landscape inference at multiple spatial scales for predicting species occurrence. Oral presentation, Geomatics Atlantic, St. John's NL.
Laforge, MP, NL Michel, and RK Brook. August 2017. Climate and land use inform range expansion of a large boreal herbivore in a novel agro-ecosystem. Oral presentation, 51st annual North American moose meeting, Ingonish, NS.
Webber QMR, M. Laforge, M. Bonar, C. Hart, A. Robitaille, S. Zabihi-Seissan, E. Vander Wal. 2017. An empirical integration of movement ecology and animal personality reveals an unexpected trade-off in space-use and foraging strategies. Poster presentation, Animal Behavior Society Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
Laforge, MP, and E Vander Wal. May 2017. Quantifying individual differences in forage acquisition in a migratory ungulate. Poster presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Victoria, BC
Laforge, MP, NL Michel, and RK Brook. May 2017. Climate and land use inform range expansion of a large boreal herbivore in a novel agro-ecosystem. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Victoria, BC
Webber QMR, M. Laforge, M. Bonar, C. Hart, A. Robitaille, S. Zabihi-Seissan, E. Vander Wal. May 2017. An empirical integration of movement ecology and animal personality reveals an unexpected trade-off in space-use and foraging strategies. Poster presentation, Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution, Victoria, British Columbia.
Laforge, MP, and E Vander Wal. May April 2017. Quantifying individual differences in forage acquisition in a migratory ungulate. Poster presentation, Memorial University Biology Graduate Student Symposium, St. John's, NL
Webber, QMR, MP Laforge, M Bonar, C Hart, AL Robitaille, S Zabihi-Seissan, and E Vander Wal. April 2017. An empirical integration of movement ecology and animal personality reveals an unexpected trade-off in space-use and foraging strategies. Poster presentation, Biology Graduate Student Symposium, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Laforge, MP, NL Michel, and RK Brook. July 2016. Spatio-temporal trends in crop damage inform broad-scale distribution of moose in a novel agro-ecosystem. Oral Presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, St. John’s, NL
Brook, RK, NL Michel, R Kost, R Powers, and MP Laforge. April 2016. Evaluating risks of domestic wild boar farming as a source of feral swine in Canada. Oral Presentation, 2016 International Wild Pig Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Wheeler, AL, MP Laforge, NL Michel, and RK Brook. February 2016. Habitat selection of female moose during the calving season within the agricultural landscape of Saskatchewan. Oral Presentation, Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Laforge, MP, DA Clark, and RK Brook. October 2015. Temporal and Demographic Aspects of Polar Bear Visitation to Field Camps in Western Hudson Bay. Oral Presentation, 22nd Annual Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Brook, RK, NL Michel, R Kost, R Powers, and MP Laforge. October 2015. A Ticking Time Bomb: An Overview and Critical Assessment of Wild Pig Research and Management in Canada. Oral Presentation, 22nd Annual Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Laforge, MP, DA Clark, and RK Brook. May 2015. Non-invasive monitoring of the temporal aspects of polar bear activity during seasonal ice-free periods. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Saskatoon, SK.
Laforge, MP, DA Clark, and RK Brook. March 2015. Non-invasive monitoring of the temporal aspects of polar bear activity during seasonal ice-free periods. Oral presentation, Canadian Section of the Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Saskatoon, SK.
Laforge, MP, and PD McLoughlin. February 2014. Process-focussed, multi-grain resource selection functions. Oral presentation, Prairie Universities Biology Symposium, Regina, SK.
Laforge, MP, and PD McLoughlin. November 2013. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) habitat selection across multiple buffer radii: the importance of grain in the analysis of scale in animal resource selection. Oral presentation, Saskatchewan Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting and Symposium, Saskatoon, SK.
Laforge, MP, E Vander Wal, and PD McLoughlin. February 2011. Joint space use and interaction rate in female elk (Cervus canadensis): Testing the gambit of the group. Oral presentation, Prairie Universities Biology Symposium, Saskatoon, SK.
Laforge, MP, AC Ortega, LR Wilde, MJ Kauffman, JA Merkle. March 2023. Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Migratory Resource Tracking. Oral presentation, Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Laramie, Wyoming.
Laforge, MP, MJ Kauffman, AC Ortega, JA Merkle. November 2022. Scale-Dependence in Resource Tracking during Migration. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Spokane, WA.
Kauffman, MJ, B Lowrey, J Berg, S Bergen, DE Bird, JW Cain III, M Cowardin, M Devivo, M Flenner, J Fort, E Gelzer, E Greenspan, MP Laforge, J McKee, JA Merkle, B Oates, L Olson, C Reddell, R Ritson, H Sawyer, C Schroeder, J Shapiro. November 2022. A Collaborative Effort to Map Ungulate Migrations and Advance Their Conservation Across the Western United States. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Spokane, WA.
Northrup J, E Vander Wal, M Bonar, J Fieberg, MP Laforge, M Leclerc, CM Prokopenko, and BD Gerber. November 2022. Conceptual and methodological advances in habitat selection. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Spokane, WA.
Laforge, MP, E Vander Wal, QMR Webber, C Geremia, MJ Kauffman, A Middleton, KL Monteith, AC Ortega, H Sawyer, and JA Merkle. August 2022. Migration in a changing world: Plasticity and consistent individual differences in migratory behavior of ungulates. Oral presentation, the Ecological Society of America and the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution joint conference, Montreal, QC.
Laforge, MP, E Vander Wal, QMR Webber, C Geremia, MJ Kauffman, A Middleton, KL Monteith, AC Ortega, H Sawyer, and JA Merkle. April 2022. Plasticity and Individual Differences in Spring Migration Timing and Forage Selection in Wyoming Ungulates. Oral presentation, Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Jackson, Wyoming.
Laforge, MP. August 2021. Migration, Parturition, and Forage Selection in a Changing World. Plenary presentation for PhD award at The Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual General Meeting. *Online due to COVID-19.
Laforge, MP, QMR Webber, and E Vander Wal. May 2021. Plasticity and repeatability in spring migration and parturition dates with implications for annual reproductive success. Oral presentation, 18th North American Caribou Workshop. *Online due to COVID-19.
Laforge, MP, E Vander Wal, Matthew J. Kauffman, Kevin L. Monteith, Hall Sawyer, and Jerod A. Merkle. August 2020. Plasticity and consistent individual differences in migratory behavior reveal potential resilience and adaptability to climate change. Poster Presentation, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. *Online due to COVID-19.
Laforge, MP, M Bonar and E Vander Wal. May 2020. How do Caribou Trade-Off Selecting for High-Quality Forage and Avoiding Predators in Dynamic Landscapes? Online iPoster presentation, International Association of Landscape Ecology North America Annual Meeting and Remote Virtual Conference.
Laforge, MP, M Bonar and E Vander Wal. November 2019. Surfing Snow-off: Northern Migratory Ungulates Track Snow Melt to Arrive on Calving Grounds During Optimal Forage Conditions. Oral presentation, Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Sheridan, Wyoming.
Laforge, MP, M Bonar and E Vander Wal. October 2019. Temporally-Dynamic Resource Selection Functions in Forage Selection and Predator Avoidance. Oral presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Reno, Nevada.
Laforge, MP and E Vander Wal. August 2019. Green-up or snow-off? Considering phenological drivers of migration. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Laforge, MP and E Vander Wal. April 2019. Green-up or snow-off? Considering phenological drivers of migration. Oral presentation, Biology Graduate Student Symposium, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Laforge, MP, QMR Webber, and E Vander Wal. November 2018. Caribou migration behaviour reveals potential resilience to climate change. Oral presentation, 17thNorth American Caribou Workshop, Ottawa, Ontario.
Webber, QMR, MP Laforge, M Bonar, and E Vander Wal. October 2018.Links between social behaviour and habitat selection in the context of caribou population dynamics in Newfoundland. Oral presentation, Atlantic Society of Fisheries and Wildlife Biologists Annual General Meeting, Corner Brook, Newfoundland.
Laforge, MP, QMR Webber, and E Vander Wal. October 2018. Behavioural plasticity of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) migration in response to variable spring plant phenology. Oral presentation, Atlantic Society of Fisheries and Wildlife Biologists Annual General Meeting, Corner Brook, Newfoundland.
Laforge, MP, Q.M.R. Webber, E. Vander Wal. July 2018. Caribou migration and selection behaviour reveals plasticity in movement in an inter-annually variable environment. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, Guelph, Ontario.
Webber, QMR, MP Laforge, M Bonar, and E Vander Wal. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, Guelph, Ontario.
Bonar, M, E Vander Wal, K Lewis, QMR Webber, MP Laforge. Geometry of the ideal free distribution: personality and fitness implications in social ungulate birthing aggregations. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, Guelph, Ontario.
Laforge, M.P., Q.M.R. Webber, E. Vander Wal. May 2018. Plasticity in Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) Migration Timing in Response to Changing Plant Phenology Results in Greater Selection for High Quality Forage. Oral presentation, Canadian Society of Zoologists Annual Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Webber QMR., M. Peignier, E. Koen, M. Laforge, A. Robitaille, E. Vander Wal. May 2018. Seasonal variation in conspecific attraction and resource dispersion dictate social network structure and space-use in a gregarious ungulate. Oral presentation, Canadian Society of Zoologists Annual Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Laforge, M.P., Q.M.R. Webber, E. Vander Wal. April 2018. Migration timing of caribou reveals plasticity in movement and forage selection in response to environmental change. Oral presentation, Memorial University Biology Graduate Student Symposium, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Webber QMR., M. Peignier, E. Koen, M. Laforge, A. Robitaille, E. Vander Wal. April 2018. Space-use and social organization in a gregarious ungulate: testing the conspecific attraction and resource dispersion hypotheses. Oral presentation Memorial University Biology Graduate Student Symposium, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Laforge, MP, AL Robitaille and E Vander Wal. November 2017. Multigrain resource selection functions: R package for landscape inference at multiple spatial scales for predicting species occurrence. Oral presentation, Geomatics Atlantic, St. John's NL.
Laforge, MP, NL Michel, and RK Brook. August 2017. Climate and land use inform range expansion of a large boreal herbivore in a novel agro-ecosystem. Oral presentation, 51st annual North American moose meeting, Ingonish, NS.
Webber QMR, M. Laforge, M. Bonar, C. Hart, A. Robitaille, S. Zabihi-Seissan, E. Vander Wal. 2017. An empirical integration of movement ecology and animal personality reveals an unexpected trade-off in space-use and foraging strategies. Poster presentation, Animal Behavior Society Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
Laforge, MP, and E Vander Wal. May 2017. Quantifying individual differences in forage acquisition in a migratory ungulate. Poster presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Victoria, BC
Laforge, MP, NL Michel, and RK Brook. May 2017. Climate and land use inform range expansion of a large boreal herbivore in a novel agro-ecosystem. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Victoria, BC
Webber QMR, M. Laforge, M. Bonar, C. Hart, A. Robitaille, S. Zabihi-Seissan, E. Vander Wal. May 2017. An empirical integration of movement ecology and animal personality reveals an unexpected trade-off in space-use and foraging strategies. Poster presentation, Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution, Victoria, British Columbia.
Laforge, MP, and E Vander Wal. May April 2017. Quantifying individual differences in forage acquisition in a migratory ungulate. Poster presentation, Memorial University Biology Graduate Student Symposium, St. John's, NL
Webber, QMR, MP Laforge, M Bonar, C Hart, AL Robitaille, S Zabihi-Seissan, and E Vander Wal. April 2017. An empirical integration of movement ecology and animal personality reveals an unexpected trade-off in space-use and foraging strategies. Poster presentation, Biology Graduate Student Symposium, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Laforge, MP, NL Michel, and RK Brook. July 2016. Spatio-temporal trends in crop damage inform broad-scale distribution of moose in a novel agro-ecosystem. Oral Presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, St. John’s, NL
Brook, RK, NL Michel, R Kost, R Powers, and MP Laforge. April 2016. Evaluating risks of domestic wild boar farming as a source of feral swine in Canada. Oral Presentation, 2016 International Wild Pig Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Wheeler, AL, MP Laforge, NL Michel, and RK Brook. February 2016. Habitat selection of female moose during the calving season within the agricultural landscape of Saskatchewan. Oral Presentation, Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Laforge, MP, DA Clark, and RK Brook. October 2015. Temporal and Demographic Aspects of Polar Bear Visitation to Field Camps in Western Hudson Bay. Oral Presentation, 22nd Annual Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Brook, RK, NL Michel, R Kost, R Powers, and MP Laforge. October 2015. A Ticking Time Bomb: An Overview and Critical Assessment of Wild Pig Research and Management in Canada. Oral Presentation, 22nd Annual Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Laforge, MP, DA Clark, and RK Brook. May 2015. Non-invasive monitoring of the temporal aspects of polar bear activity during seasonal ice-free periods. Oral presentation, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Saskatoon, SK.
Laforge, MP, DA Clark, and RK Brook. March 2015. Non-invasive monitoring of the temporal aspects of polar bear activity during seasonal ice-free periods. Oral presentation, Canadian Section of the Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Saskatoon, SK.
Laforge, MP, and PD McLoughlin. February 2014. Process-focussed, multi-grain resource selection functions. Oral presentation, Prairie Universities Biology Symposium, Regina, SK.
Laforge, MP, and PD McLoughlin. November 2013. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) habitat selection across multiple buffer radii: the importance of grain in the analysis of scale in animal resource selection. Oral presentation, Saskatchewan Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting and Symposium, Saskatoon, SK.
Laforge, MP, E Vander Wal, and PD McLoughlin. February 2011. Joint space use and interaction rate in female elk (Cervus canadensis): Testing the gambit of the group. Oral presentation, Prairie Universities Biology Symposium, Saskatoon, SK.
Michel Laforge
Department of Zoology and Physiology
University of Wyoming
Biological Sciences 439
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY
E: [email protected]
T: @MamlSpatialEcol
Michel Laforge
Department of Zoology and Physiology
University of Wyoming
Biological Sciences 439
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY
E: [email protected]
T: @MamlSpatialEcol